Why Spend More on Fuel When You Can Unlock Savings with Electric Auto?

Why Spend More on Fuel When You Can Unlock Savings with Electric Auto?

Increasing profits in any business comes down to two things, you either increase margins or decrease costs. In the era of extremely competitive gig economy, it is extremely difficult to increase margins, but with the advent of electric autos, decreasing costs has become easier than ever.

In a country like India, 3 wheelers have been the backbone of last mile transportation. Moving about with a small physical footprint and an even smaller economic footprint, 3 wheelers are best suited for the narrow and busy streets of the country. Be it traffic or weather, these autos can face them all ensuring businesses continue to operate like a finely oiled machine.

Until now autos were only seen as an efficient means of transportation in terms of accessibility. Autos made economical sense both in terms of capex and operational expenditure. But now as businesses fight for the last bit of margins, electric autos have opened up a whole new room for increased profits.

Over the last few years electric drive train technology has come a long way. The electric auto of today have arguably enough grunt to take on the likes of its fossil fuel counterparts. Our own range of products, the Altigreen neEV, Tez, Bhai have been performing beyond our wildest imaginations and our customers have been spreading the word. This has given more and more business owners the confidence to switch to electric atuo.

As compared to a conventional fossil fuel auto, an electric auto price a about 25% higher upfront. But that is it, the only place you’ll pay more. From here on, not only is it increasing profits, but with time the asset pays back for itself.

To state roughly from our experience interacting with hundreds of auto rickshaw owners, we learnt that on average if a diesel auto runs around a 100 kms every day, it consumes at least 4 litres worth of diesel, which costs around INR 360.

Add to this the cost of maintenance another INR 40/day you have a daily running cost of nearly INR 400. An electric loading vehicle, such as the Altigreen neEV, will consume electricity worth INR 70 to travel a distance of 150 kms and even the most aggressive drivers will require maintenance of not more than INR 10/day. That is a saving of INR 320/day or 80% of your transportation costs.

While these numbers will vary from case to case, what we’ve found is that this is the bare minimum since most businesses operate their vehicles way beyond just 100 kms/day. And the most amazing aspect of an electric auto is that the more it is run, the higher you earn.

Also enabling higher earnings is robust build quality of our products. The fact that Altigreen has 93% localisation of components is testament to our commitment to making in India and making for India. From having vehicles that fully charge in just 15 minutes, to over 170+ authorised service centres, Altigreen is making sure that your business not only benefits from the direct benefits from using an electric auto but also from the benefits of an ecosystem around the product.

So, what are you waiting for?

Switch now and see your profits go up, while also helping your city breathe better and your employees enjoy a silent, vibration free drive.


Q1. How do electric auto compare to traditional autos in terms of cost?
Electric autos are usually about 20-30% higher than traditional autos in terms of upfront cost. But that’s where the high costs end as electric autos are far cheaper to run and maintain and have a much shorter ROI period.

Q2. How much can I save on fuel costs by switching to an electric loading auto?
One can save upto ₹10,000 per month by making the switch to an electric loading auto. For detailed understanding and estimation visit your nearest Altigreen website.

Q3. What kind of savings can I expect with an electric auto?
While a diesel auto costs nearly ₹4-5 per km, an electric auto such as the Altigreen neEV costs only ₹ 0.92/km, resulting in upto 80% savings.

Q4. What is the typical range of an electric auto on a full charge?
The Altigreen neEV has a certified range of 151 km per charge.

Q5. What is the load capacity of an electric auto?
The Altigreen neEV has a rated payload capacity of 500 kgs.

Electric Auto, Electric Three Wheeler, electric loading vehicle
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